Statement of Applicability
Effective 5 September 2023
Among its many services, ICF Macro, Inc., with the participation of its corporate affiliate ICF Incorporated, L.L.C. (collectively referred to as “ICF”), offers full-service quantitative and qualitative survey research services to government, commercial, and nonprofit clients primarily located in the US. The firm is headquartered in Fairfax, VA; this certification covers the domestic Survey Research (SR) and Survey Operations (SO) Practices managed from our Rockville MD, and Burlington, VT offices, with data collection operations in Martinsville, VA, Bryan, TX, and Seattle, WA, along with virtual call centers in multiple locations.
The Survey Research Portfolio has elected to include sampling, fieldwork, self-completion, and data management and processing to be attested to International Standard ISO 20252: 2019 in accordance with Annexes A, B, E, and F.
ICF has elected to exclude Annex C physical observation and Annex D digital observation from the attestation. Details of ICF’s attested annexes are described as follows:
Annex A – Sampling including access panels: ICF offers comprehensive sampling services including both probability and non-probability samples
Annex B – Fieldwork: ICF offers field work services including telephone interviewing, face-to-face interviewing, and qualitative participant recruiting.
Annex E – Self-completion: ICF offers self-completion data collection survey modes including online/web, IVR, text and mail/paper surveys.
Annex F – Data management and processing: ICF offers comprehensive data management and processing services.
Certificate Number: 1044
Original Issue Date: 16 August 2017
Latest Issue Date: 5 September 2023
Expiration Date: 16 August 2026
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