This certification cover EurekaFacts’ business of applied research services includes survey research, encompassing all forms of data collection methods and modes (e.g., paper, online, telephonic, in-person focus groups, stakeholder meetings, and structured/semi structured interviews); analytics support analytics support including descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, data modeling, predictive analytics, computational data-mining, data visualization and GIS/data mapping; marketing research in support of strategic communications and media placement/purchasing analysis; customer experience research, including needs assessments, satisfaction scoring, and customer journey mapping; human factors research encompassing person-centered design, usability/user experience evaluations and cognitive lab testing, and; field data collection services, including focus group facilities, participant recruitment and interviewing in multiple languages and among hard-to-reach populations.
This certification covers the sole U.S. research location in Rockville, MD. EurekaFacts client base includes private enterprises and local, state and government agencies. EurekaFacts attests Annexes A through F of the ISO 20252:2019 Standard.
Certificate Number: 1081
Original Issue Date: July 18, 2016
Latest Issue Date: 26 February 2024
Expiration Date: 25 February 2027
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